About the technology:
Spring Framework is required knowledge for java developers, and Spring 3.0 introduces powerful new features like SpEL, the Spring Expression Language, new annotations for the IoC container, and much-needed support for REST. Whether you’re just discovering Spring or you want to absorb the new 3.0 features, there’s no better way to master Spring than this book.
About the book:
Spring in Action, Third Edition continues the practical, hands-on style of the previous bestselling editions. Author Craig Walls has a special knack for crisp and entertaining examples that zoom in on the features and techniques you really need. This edition highlights the most important aspects of Spring 3.0 including REST, remote services, messaging, Security, MVC, Web Flow, and more.
What's inside:
Using annotations to reduce configuration
Working with RESTful resources
Spring Expression Language (SpEL)
Security, Web Flow, and more
Who should read this book:
Nearly 100,000 developers have used this book to learn Spring!