在苹果MacOS X上的JavaSE6官方版发布中提到,苹果发布了MacOS上的javaSE6。事实上,这是一个迟到的发布。所有使用MacOS的JAVA开发者已经为止等待了一年多了,并且曾一度引发了很多讨论与争议。
不管怎末说,Java6 for Mac终于来了,虽然这个时间稍微晚了点。那么那些使用MacOS的JAVA开发者是不是应该为之欢呼了呢?显然不是这样,Bodo在他最近的blogJava 6 on Mac. Worst release ever中指出,这个发行版本是有史以来最糟糕的一个版本:
Only supports 64 bit
This means that Java 6 doesn't run on 1 year old MacBooks or all early adopters of the Intel switch. A huge amount of people can't run 64 bit.
Another problem is that it only supports 64 bit applications. Bye bye applets in Safari.
No Cocoa support
Because of the lack of 64 bit libraries for cocoa it is not possible to use cocoa with Java 6. Nearly every Java application on Macs uses cocoa to make it look better on Mac OS. Some even are 100% cocoa, like Cyberduck. Because of that only a small percentage of Java applications can run on Java 6.
Apple knows this
Apple is well aware of this problems. The update doesn't make Java 6 the default vm, the preferences dialog even warns you if you want to make it the default vm.
× Switch back to Windows / Linux for Java development
× Use SoyLatte and help them to create the native gui pipeline
× Ask Apple to fix this issues
从之前一系列事件看来,包括延迟JAVASE6的发布,iPhone不支持J2ME etc.苹果对JAVA开发者的态度很不友好,史蒂夫·乔布斯的一些言语也很是让人心寒。如果你是JAVA开发者,并且使用苹果,是不是应该考虑换个工作平台了?
PS:貌似苹果偏向于封闭独裁的作风,iPhone的SDK就明确禁止J2ME,Flash之类的软件出现。连Mac上的开发语言都弄出一个特立独行的Object C。当然,苹果的“特立独行”也为它带来不少利润,以及一批同样“特立独行”的苹果fans。不过像苹果这样的公司能存活到现在也不得不说很让人佩服了。 |