Microsoft JET Database Engine 错误 '80040e14'
/so.asp,行 43 2
if diqu<>"" then
sql = "select * from xinxi where yz=1 and diqu like '%"&diqu&"%' and (leixing like '%"&key&"%' or biaoti like '%"&key&"%' or memo like '%"&key&"%' or com like '%1"&key&"%' or username like '%"&key&"%' or name like '%"&key&"%') order by b desc,id desc"
elseif cla1<>0 then
sql = "select * from xinxi where yz=1 and class1="&cla1&" and (leixing like '%"&key&"%' or biaoti like '%"&key&"%' or memo like '%"&key&"%' or diqu like '%"&key&"%' or com like '%"&key&"%' or username like '%"&key&"%' or name like '%"&key&"%') order by b desc,id desc"
elseif cla1=0 then
sql = "select * from xinxi where yz=1 and (leixing like '%"&key&"%' or biaoti like '%"&key&"%' or memo like '%"&key&"%' or diqu like '1%"&key&"%' or com like '%"&key&"%' or username like '%"&key&"%' or name like '%"&key&"%') order by b desc,id desc"
sql = "select * from xinxi where yz=1 and (leixing like '%"&key&"%' or biaoti like '%"&key&"%' or memo like '%"&key&"%' or diqu like '%"&key&"%' or com like '%"&key&"%' or username like '%"&key&"%' or name like '%"&key&"%') order by b desc,id desc"
end if
rs.open sql,conn,3,2 这li是43行
if ThisPage<1 then
end if
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